Getting Started with your SubHub Trial



 Follow this step-by-step guide to get your site ready to launch.


Start by deciding the aims for your site. Create an outline of the content you plan to include and design a layout of your navigation. Next proceed through each of the following steps, adding the necessary details.


Member Groups

Member Groups enable you to assign your content to different user levels - basic to advanced. When you create an article, the groups will be listed and you'll have the ability to tick which group will have permission to view that content. You can also assign a subscription plan to a specific Member Group. Create your Member Groups in the Member Manager. Learn more about our Member Manager with this Support Guide.



Categories help you to organise your content into subjects, topic or courses. Typically they will be links in your top navigation. Articles are then assigned to Categories. Learn more about Categories with our Support Guide.



Navigation menus can be placed on the top, right, left and bottom. Links in the top navigation should be limited. The right and left navigation can be used to add a variety of menu blocks including: newsletter, advert, HTML, profile, calendar and more. Learn more about Navigation with our Support Guide.


Subscription Plans

Subscription plans define the content each membership will have access to. Member groups can be assigned to subscription plans. Learn more about Subscription Plans with our Support Guide.


Site Settings

Settings offers a variety of configuration options. Go through each tab and complete all the necessary parameters. Your Metadata, Display Options, Payment Processor, T&C, Messages and more are specified here. Learn more about Site Settings with our Support Guide.


Automated Emails

Automated emails are sent to your members upon subscribing and as renewal reminders. Customise these emails with your personal message and details. Learn more about Automated Emails with our Support Guide.



The online store enables you to sell physical products, downloads and articles. Configure your store setup page, categories and shipping then begin adding products. Learn more about the store with our Support Guide.


Let us know if you need help with your SubHub Trial - contact us here